Fighting for Your Freedom

San Antonio Criminal Defense Attorney

Relentless Criminal Defense Attorney San Antonio

isn’t afraid to take your case in front of a judge and jury and fight for your freedom. Texas is tough on crime of all kinds, and choosing your lawyer may be the single most important decision you can make in determining the outcome of your future. 

The massive law firms that you see on billboards and buses often make their name (and their money) by taking on more cases than they can handle and taking plea deals for their clients. Not at Guzman Law Firm. Here we treat each and every client as if they’re our only one, fighting tooth and nail to defend their innocence rather than taking deals that end up putting our clients away. 

Javier Guzman, founding attorney of Guzman Law Firm, has made a name for himself by taking on high-stakes cases for his clients and defending their lives in both state and federal courts. 

If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges and need a San Antonio criminal defense lawyer, call Guzman Law Firm today at (956) 516-7198 for a consultation. We’re ready and waiting to defend your life.

San Antonio DWI attorneys

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) charges can have life-changing consequences. Along with the steep fines, license suspensions, and lengthy jail sentences, DWIs can wreak havoc on personal lives and families, and make getting a job an unbelievably challenging prospect.

Javier is a Bexar County DWI attorney who has  extensive experience defending clients against DWI charges, enacting iron defenses to protect your rights in a court of law, and ultimately minimize the impact on your life.

Whether you’re facing a DWI in Texas first offense or need an intoxication manslaughter attorney, Javier Guzman can help.

San Antonio drug crime lawyers

Because Texas is so tough on drugs, being accused of a drug-related offense in the Lone Star State can be incredibly daunting. Drug crimes are taken more seriously across the board in Texas, with the potential for severe penalties being present even in charges for possession of personal amounts. 

Javier and the team of Bexar County drug crime lawyers understand the complexities of Texas drug laws and will provide you with aggressive representation to challenge the prosecution’s case. Javier is also an ACS-CHAL Lawyer-Scientist, which means that, because of his specific understanding of science and the law, he is uniquely qualified to take on cases involving drugs and toxicology. 

Whether you’re facing first-time drug possession charges in Texas or federal charges for drug trafficking, Javier Guzman will explore every possible defense to protect your rights and preserve your freedom.

Assault lawyers in San Antonio

Speaking of charges that can have far-reaching consequences, assault charges can decimate your personal and professional life before they even turn into convictions. If you have been accused of assault, you’ll need the best criminal defense attorney San Antonio has to offer if you plan on defending your life and clearing your name. 

Javier takes the following types of assault and homicide cases:

  • Simple assault in Texas
  • Aggravated assault
  • Family violence
  • Sexual assault
  • Criminally negligent homicide
  • Manslaughter
  • Murder

A charge is not a criminal conviction, and though the criminal justice system is not perfect, it does afford you an attorney to defend you during your most vulnerable times. 

Whether you accidentally violated the age of consent in Texas or were wrongfully accused of family violence, you retain your constitutional right to choose your defense and are owed a fair trial.

Theft defense attorneys in San Antonio

Because theft crimes are considered crimes of moral turpitude, they have even more severe consequences in Texas. Additionally, punishments related to theft crimes often come with punitive measures to discourage similar behavior in the future, which means that you could be paying massive fines even for misdemeanor crimes.

Our firm can represent state and federal theft cases relating to:

  • Robbery
  • Aggravated robbery
  • Burglary of a habitation, building, or vehicle
  • Embezzlement
  • Money laundering
  • Fraud

Whether you’re facing charges for burglary or White Collar felony theft in Texas, Guzman Law Firm is ready to fight for your rights.

Lawyer for alien smuggling in San Antonio

Those who have been arrested under suspicion of human smuggling need a San Antonio human smuggling lawyer who has experience fighting complex, high-stakes human smuggling cases in a federal court. 

Because there are precedents at both the state and the federal levels and several different law enforcement agencies that police the border, the human smuggling laws in Texas are incredibly complex. You need an incredibly specialized attorney in our state to successfully fight these incredibly serious charges.

If you have been arrested, or are aware that you are under investigation, do not hesitate to call Javier Guzman today.

Continue reading through our library of resources on smuggling immigrants:

Need a fearless advocate? Call Javier Guzman at Guzman Law Firm today.

Looking for a criminal defense lawyer in San Antonio, Texas? Javier Guzman stands ready to fight for you. Javier’s broad experience and extensive knowledge of criminal law and federal law allow him to take on a wide variety of criminal charges spanning across both state and federal courts.

Our firm is dedicated to giving each and every one of our clients the personal attention and dedication that they deserve. We will keep you informed and fight with everything we’ve got, every step of the way.

If you need a criminal defense attorney in San Antonio, you need to call Javier Guzman. Reach Javier at Guzman Law Firm today at (956) 516-7198 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.

What We Do Best

Legal Practice Areas

Guzman Law Firm offers legal services in Laredo for cases including criminal defense, DWI, divorce, child custody, federal criminal defense & personal injury.

family law

Whether you need an experienced divorce attorney or a child custody lawyer, Guzman Law Firm will take all of the burden of the legal process off of your shoulders.

Federal Criminal Defense

Guzman Law Firm handles various types of federal criminal cases including conspiracy to possess drugs, transporting aliens, federal firearm charges, and more.

Personal Injury

Whether you or a loved one were injured because of someone else’s negligence, Guzman Law Firm helps victims obtain the financial compensation and the justice they deserve.

Record Clearing and Record Sealing

Guzman Law Firm has represented the State of Texas on hundreds of expungements and petitions for non-disclosures.
"Javier Guzman made me feel as if my case was just as important to him as it was to me.”
Amy B. | Satisfied Client

Relentless Representation

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